
E-safety Information for Parents

At Hennock Primary School we ensure that the children are taught about online safety,  sex and relationships and their rights. This is done through our PSHE & RSE and Computing curriculum. Please ask us about this and do not hesitate to ask for support in talking to your children about these vital areas.
https://safetonet.com/en-gb/Staying safe online
With the right e-safety knowledge, children can better understand the dangers of releasing personal information, as well as how to recognise unethical behaviours or prevent cyberbullying.
This is the responsibility of us all.
Digital Well-being
"SafeToNet, the multi award-winning cyber safety company is safeguarding children from bullying, grooming, abuse and aggression online.

The pioneering SafeToNet app uses artificial intelligence to detect and filter predatory risks in real-time. When a risk is detected the app provides digital wellbeing audio guides that help children deal with the issues associated with living in a digital world."


NSPCC have a lot of good advice about how to talk to your children about e-safety.


Have you had a look at Ollee?

"Ollee is a virtual friend for children aged 8-11, available via a web app. It was created by Parent Zone and is funded by BBC Children in Need’s A Million & Me initiative, which aims to make a difference to children’s emotional wellbeing. 

Ollee is designed to help parents do something they do naturally and as a matter of course: support their children. 

It’s a tool they can turn to for support before issues escalate and that will help them start what can be a tricky conversation. Even an incremental enhancement of that support will make a massive difference to children’s mental health


 Be Internet Legends

To make the most of the internet, children need to make smart decisions. Be Internet Legends empowers younger children to use the web safely and wisely, so they can be confident explorers of the online world.



E-Safety at Home